They say there is no “I” in team, but is that entirely accurate? Every team is a different, diverse group of individuals, all with their own sets of strengths and weaknesses. If you don’t fully understand each member as an individual, getting that group of individuals to operate as a team can be tricky.
Now team leaders can learn to recognize their team members strengths and weaknesses with our targeted assessments and professional tools. Our strategically developed toolbox will help bring personal awareness about each team members’ skills and personal development to team leaders. Discover how well your team leaders are executing, and gauge the effectiveness of their coaching skills to better understand the potential pitfalls of your organization. Only until you accurately pinpoint areas of weakness can you best devise a plan for future excellence.
Our tools and assessments serve as a resource for managers, as they undertake the task of best fitting together a group of different personalities like you would the pieces of a puzzle.
Our assessment tools include:
Coaching Effectiveness Evaluator™
Execution Assessment
How Does Your Team Stack Up?
Team Tools
Meeting Perfection Tool
Building Self Awareness Toolkit
Strategy Kit for Teams