Ever-changing demands on government agencies present agency leaders with continual opportunities to provide their team members with new ways to achieve excellence.
With our professional coaching services developed exclusively for government agencies, your team can achieve excellence through improved individual and organizational productivity, and improved responsiveness to both internal and external constituents.
Coaching, an ongoing process of building successful partnerships aimed at continuous improvement, is a two-way communications process between members of the organization (e.g. leaders and team members, peer-to-peer, cross functional team mates). It is designed to develop and improve hard and soft skills, motivation, attitude, judgement and the ability to perform and contribute to a team’s strategic objectives.
Our CMOE-driven Coaching workshops help participants develop the necessary skills to effectively coach their staff and other stakeholders, helping them achieve optimum productivity and success.
Coleman Crest Advisers has partnered with the Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness (CMOE) to bring you the following suite a suite of training programs:
Coaching TIPS²™
Coaching Skills
Continuous Improvement Coaching
Safety Coaching
Sales Coaching